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Radio Frequency Therapy

Skin tightening with sound waves can be fun!

  • 1 hour
  • $100-$500+
  • clients preferance

Service Description

- Reduced visibility of deep wrinkles - LIFT, Tightening, toning, brightening of (mature or dull)) skin - Visual improvement of scars, cellulite and stretch marks - Stimulates collagen and elastin production, strengthening the skin - Enhances microcirculation - Breaks down adipose(fat) for lymph system removal - Focused and drastic results with several treatments - Safe for all skin tones without pigment discoloration - No down-time, minimal if any discomfort Like ultrasound therapy, radio frequency therapy is another safe way to tighten your facial skin.  Better than laser (surface only) because it safely penetrates deep layers. This should appeal to women who want to avoid the risks that come with surgery. It’s been cleared by the FDA for more than 15 years and many high-profile celebrities rave about how well it works. So, what exactly is radio frequency therapy? Similar to ultrasound therapy, it triggers the growth of collagen(neocollagenisis) and cell turnover by sending heat deep beneath the skin. However, radio frequency energy is used to cause thermal damage which pushes collagen fibers tightly together. Soon after and with multiple treatments, your skin will gradually start to tighten and exhibit a younger glow. Redness around the face is the most common side effect, which should go away after 24 hours. Although radio frequency therapy isn’t an invasive treatment, I still take the necessary steps to deter side effects. Before the treatment is performed, you can request a numbing cream applied to the skin to minimize any discomfort. A gel will be used as well, which helps the device to smoothly glide over the skin. Radio frequency treatments are quick and easy. You can even get it done during your lunch break. The average session only takes around 45 minutes. Keep in mind that radio frequency skin tightening is not a quick fix. Clients need to receive about three-six treatments on average. A package is recommended 6 for 5. $500. Ask about including this treatment in between monthly facials for the best results. Radio frequency therapy is easier on the wallet than some other skin tightening treatments.

Cancellation Policy

For new clients, please allow at least 3-5 days for a booking/cancellation/reschedule so a brief consult can be completed before your service. This necessary so that I can allow as much time for you as needed and have the products available personalized to you per the consultation. I am very accommodating with rescheduling, especially for last minute Tahoe bad weather. Safety is paramount. For services quoted over $300, a deposit is required and applied to charges at completion of service. Payment is due at time of service by credit, debit or cash. Cash discount available. Same day cancellations without future arrangements or rescheduling will be forfeited.

Contact Details

+1 4152601088

Tahoe, CA, USA

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